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Category: Life 107 Ministries


Senate subcommittee hearing results in Backpage changes

The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released a new report in January 2017 saying that Backpage, an internet classified ads publication, knowingly facilitated underage trafficking in the Adult Services section of their website. Backpage co-founders Jim Larkin and Mike Lacey have protested, citing the Communications Decency Act and freedom of speech.  The evening before they…
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What About the Traffickers and Buyers?

Written by a Life 107 Ministries volunteer, who is attending YWAM Amsterdam’s “The Shine Seminar” in Amsterdam I feel like I can barely write down all that I’ve been processing in my brain and heart over the last few weeks. We’ve just completed week 3, which means I’m half way through already!  This time has…
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Sex Trafficking HERE? In America?

Another volunteer’s story: “Why is it so cold?” I’m not sure why the Lord had our child half a world away, in one of the coldest climates on earth, with our opportunity to adopt in winter. But, there we were for a month in a place of prison-like buildings, ice for roads, no thermostats to…
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What I Didn’t Know About Sex Trafficking

I was afraid. I was so afraid that my hands were shaking. The quaver in my voice was evident to me if not to anyone else. I had read about sex trafficking. I knew how real it was across the globe and even in the United States. I had educated myself. I had read the…
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