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Freedom from Porn

Experience Freedom

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Freedom from pornography and other unwanted sexual behaviors is possible. Dropping the Stones is a male-led and male-based group of trust, built on grace.

We hope to encourage and equip men to successfully restore their sexuality.

If you struggle with porn addiction, we know the burden is heavy. But there is good news — there is freedom from porn addiction. You don’t have to carrey this alone. There are resources to learn more about your struggle to overcome compulsion porn use and how to be successful in recovery. Check out the resources below!

Covenant Eyes Accountability Software

Covenant Eyes is a great starting point to begin the journey to breaking free! Covenant Eyes is screen accountability software which sends screen reports to an individual’s accountability partner. Learn about Covenant Eyes and get started by clicking the CE logo above.

Fight the New Drug is an amazing resource to learn more about how porn affects humans, relationships, and society. They also have recovery resources at

(Fight the New Drug is a non-religious and nonlegislative organization that exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts.)

Pure Desire Ministries is loaded with resources to help on your journey (or someone you love) to porn free living. Check them out at

XXXChurch is another site where you can find accountability software, research, and encouragement. Reach them @