Life 107 is implementing our School Safeguard Training in response to the NC SB199
which requires all school districts to implement an anti-trafficking training for their staff. Education, awareness, and prevention of trafficking and exploitation are essential to eliminating sex trafficking in North Carolina.
The NC Senate Bill 199 is a step in the right direction for anti-trafficking efforts in North Carolina. This Senate Bill was passed in late 2019 and gives strenuous stipulations regarding the safety and wellbeing of children in our state. One of the most valuable components of the new bill is the mandate which requires all school districts in North Carolina to implement an anti-trafficking training course for all staff within the 2020-2021 school year.
School staff, teachers, and counselors are in a privileged position to detect and respond to trafficking situations and are able to be a safe place for students in exploitative situations. We are thrilled to have been able to provide.

What is covered in Life107’s School Safeguard Training?
If you are interested in booking a School Safeguard Training in a WNC School District, reach out at or Call 866-272-5209
Training Topics Include:
– Components of the Sex Trade Industry and the cycle of sexual exploitation
– Pornography and implications
– Sex trafficking defined
– Applicable testimonies of survivors
– Composition of a trafficker/pimp
– Composition of a victim/survivor
– Risk factors and vulnerabilities
– Consequences of victimization
– Recruitment and grooming mediums
-Sextortion and online media risks
– Common trafficking scenarios
– Pink flags of trafficking (school environment specific)
– Methods of prevention informed by best-practices and the social ecological model (CDC)
– Trauma-sensitive environments
– School interception points to detect and respond
– Mandatory reporting update (NCSenate Bill 199)