Am I experiencing sexual exploitation?
- This assessment does not record personal information or answers.
- You can quit/exit the assessment at any time.
- At the end of the assessment you will be given resources.
There’s always help. There’s always hope. REACH OUT in Western North Carolina @ 1-866-272-5209.
If you answered YES to any of the following questions 3,6,7,10, or 12 it is likely you have experienced sexual exploitation or trafficking.
If you received a score of 4/12 or above, you may have experienced or are at risk for sexual exploitation or trafficking.
You are not alone. If and WHEN you are ready for support, Life 107 is available to chat locally (Western North Carolina) @ 866-272-5209.
You may also reach out nationwide through the National Human Trafficking Hotline @ 1-888-373-7888.
If you answered YES to any of the following questions 3,6,7,10, or 12 it is likely you have experienced sexual exploitation or trafficking.
If you received a score of 4/12 or above, you may be at risk for being trafficked.
You are not alone. If and WHEN you are ready for support, Life 107 is available to chat locally (Western North Carolina) @ 866-272-5209.
You may also reach out nationwide through the National Human Trafficking Hotline @ 1-888-373-7888.
#1. Are you in an intimate relationship in which you feel safe and valued? If you are not in an intimate relationship, choose “YES”.
#2. Is anyone isolating you or controlling where you go or what you do?
#3. Have you been asked to perform a sex act (partner, boyfriend, family member, friend) in order to receive payment, food, housing, or other items or to prevent something from happening to you?
#4. Is anyone threatening you or keeping important personal posessions from you (photos, documents, etc.)?
#5. Do you have a residence where you feel safe, appropriate clothing, and food for nourishment?
#6. Do you feel responsible to commit sex acts in order to keep your home or provide for your family?
#7. Do you feel obligated out of commitment or love for your partner, friend, or family member, to commit sex acts with another person?
#8. Has a current relationship forced you away from your family, friends, or other important areas of your previous life?
#9. Are you often afraid of a friend, partner, family member, or other acquaintance?
#10. Do you feel like the result of promises made to you from someone else, depend on your ability and willingness to commit sex acts?
#11. Have you ever wanted to leave your current situation, but felt unsafe or have no resources to leave?
#12. Do you feel pressured to commit sex acts or provide photos/videos for someone else?